Septic systems are based on a fairly simple principle and will work well for you if you take care of them.

A typical septic system contains essential bacteria that can break down solids. It also contains a mix of scum, fluids, solids and sludge. These all separate out into layers in the system, based on weight.

The contents are filtered, and the filtered water flows out into a drainage area. It’s a simple system, but it can cause trouble if things get out of balance.

Here is what you need to know to keep your system healthy and working well.

Don’t flush non-biodegradable solids

These will interfere with the friendly bacteria that are there to break down the solids. Make sure that you only flush bio-degradable toilet paper, and never put any of these items down the toilet or the drain:

Feminine hygiene products
Kitty litter
Disposable nappies
Antibacterial wipes or baby wipes

Watch out for bubbles

If bubbles appear around your septic system’s drainage area or starts to get frothy, the problem could be due to your laundry detergent. Try to cut down on the amount of detergent and bleach that you use and don’t run oversized loads of laundry. Keeping an eye on your laundry habits will definitely help your septic system stay healthier.

Check for overflows

Make it a habit to regularly inspect the area around where your septic tank drains. The state of your drainage area can tell you a lot about how your septic tank is functioning.

If you walk around the drainage area and it feels sludgy or muddy underfoot — particularly if it hasn’t rained lately — this could be a sign that your septic system could be overflowing. Under normal conditions, the drainage area should not have liquid near the surface.

Keep an eye on trees and plants

If you have plants and trees growing around your septic system, it’s only a matter of time before their roots start growing towards the system.

Tree roots can get into the pipes and crack or block them, causing extensive damage. Keep an eye on the plants that grow around your system and make plans to cut back or remove them if they start to get too close.

Have your system pumped regularly

Every three to five years, make sure to have your entire system pumped. Even though your system does a great job of filtering out excess liquid, solids can build up in the system and reduce its ability to function.

Regular pumping keeps everything working properly. The more you use your septic system, the more frequently you will need to have it pumped.

Need Septic Tank System Help? Call Atkin Plumbing & Gasfitting!

Atkins Plumbing & Gasfitting in Gladstone can look after all your septic system installations and maintenance. If you have any questions about your system, contact us. We are here to help.

If you’re looking for some common problems that can arise in your gas lines, read our previous blog!